Floating Candles, Center Pieces and the Gap of Death

Conferences, conventions, trade shows, comedy, magic, twins, fundraisers, casinos, conference, convention, funny

Since we work in many different markets from trade shows to conference/convention galas, we’ve seen almost every type of room set-up known to man or woman.

Some of the arrangements are spectacular, with unlimited budgets. Others have more limited budgets, but in some ways are much more effective than their high priced brethren.

We always check the height of center pieces and other decorations in the room we’re performing in to see if there might be some issues.

Floating candles, lit by LED lights, suspended from the ceiling. This idea was very effective and was done on a tight budget. The biggest investment was time, and since the candles didn’t interfere with the lay out of the tables or room, it created a terrific effect.

Center pieces with LED lights set in water bowls, filled with transparent stones and a single flower/orchid. Since no liquid was involved, this eliminated spills, and the use of LED lighting once again added to the overall effect.

Some the most spectacular center pieces also cause the most problems. Huge water filled vases with large flower arrangements might look amazing, but cause visibility issues, not only while talking to other guests at your table, but also when it comes time to see keynote speakers etc.… Plus, the image of half a table of elegant guests getting soaked as one of the center pieces topple is not a pleasant sight to witness.

Helium balloons on long strings can also cause issues. One of us will sit at a table while the other is on stage to see if the balloons have to be taken down during our show.

Another aspect some committees forget to address is the distance the tables are from the stage. Yes, the staff needs room to maneuver, but if the gap from the last few tables to the stage is too large, it creates a “disconnect”. The audience is much more attentive if the CEO is close enough to make eye contact with a few tables. That contact or energy spreads throughout the room and helps to maintain interest.

With the amount of money companies spend on entertainment or keynote speakers, we want to be sure our clients get the best ROI.

Michael…Think twin and win!